#SundownNaturalsGummies Fiber Gummies Review For Smiley360

I was give 3 bottles of Sundown Natural Fiber gummies to review for Smiley360. 

I have been taking the Sundown Naturals Fiber Gummies with vitamin D3 for about 3 weeks now and I feel that is enough time to be able to give a honest review. 
The Sundown Naturals Fiber with Vitamin D3 have 5 grams Prebiotic inulin fiber  in each serving. Prebiotic Inulin feed the good bacteria in our gut,that helps us increase stool bulk,stool frequency & can act like a stool softer. For me it did just that! I honestly have a stockpile of laxatives & stool softeners that I took almost daily . But almost immediately I felt a difference in my bowl movements they did not increase but I did not have to strain! In the 3 weeks I only had to take 1 stool softer! For me that is amazing! It was very nice to be "normal" in that department ! I never thought taking 2 very good tasting gummy vitamins would do so much good for me . Speaking of there great taste they come in 6 flavors orange,cherry,grape,apple,lemon & strawberry, you won't get board with all these yummy flavors . There is no aftertaste either. There also is vitamin D3 in there that helps support mineral absorption for healthy cells & bones. Plus for me it was gentle on my stomach. I usually can't take vitamins but the Sundown Naturals Fiber Gummies gave me no problems at all and really helped me . I plan to take them forever. 
Thank you Smiley360 for the opportunity for blog for you. 

I made a quick video of my review:


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