Chef Rimer Big Microwave Popcorn Popper #chefrimer

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We are big popcorn lovers in this house . I prefer air-popped  popcorn over microwave for heath reasons plus expensive.I have been skeptical of being able to popcorn in the microwave without the microwave bag, but this seemed like a good idea, so I gave it a go! It did not come with any instructions at all so I just added popcorn kernels to it and went with the time I use with a bag . On my microwave all went well but the handles are hot. Then I made some at my Mom's but the first batch burned Mom's microwave is the good one 750 watts . So the next batch I did less time and that went well but the handles are still hot , I feel that is important to note because I don't want a child to burn themselves. Once you figure out what works best in your microwave it will all be great. I am giving it 4 stars because it works but there are no instructions and the handles are hot . But I do love it and will be using it. 
"I am an independent product tester and reviewer that received this product at a discount and this is my honest and unbiased review"

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