Avalai May Unboxing

I am grateful to Avalai to providing me this box free of charge to share my opinion.

It is very easy to join and there are many choices to chose from .

First you choose between 2-3 day supply of menstrual products,4-5 day or 6-7 day supply.

Lite-Medium-Heavy flow you can only choose one.

Then you chose when you will need your supply's either the beginning or end of the month.Choose for when your cycle is going to arrive.

You also choose if you need lite,medium or heavy . Then you pick whether you want tampons only ,pads only or Both ! It's so customizable !

For me I would pick 2-3 days, Medium, beginning of the month . For that the prices runs from $13 for the month to month. $36 for a 3 month subscription or $66 for 6 months! Great deal.

What is inside besides tampons & pads. The first month you get a lovely lite pink and white striped plastic carrying case. So you can keep you pads & Tampons clean and discreetly carry them in your purse.

There will always be a selection of Tea, this is what I got:
There will always be a Blume product .This month there was a salt scrub that smelled great ,was refreshing and really left my skin smooth and soft. There was enough to get 2 showers out of this bag.
There was also Cottonelle Wipes in a travel pack very nice to have. They are flush-able.
They sent 3 different kinds of yummy chocolate treats, I think there will always be something new to look forward to! This is what I received.
Here is a photo of what the box looks like:
and lastly this is the tampons & pads I received

I think this is a wonderful and useful box to received.You will never have to worry about running out or going to the store. Please check them out for yourself.   http://www.avalai.com/


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